那么爱电影那么爱写爱思考爱艺术那么具有演戏天赋让所有合作过的人都赞叹来不及看到这样的人当导演真让人遗憾John Cho和Chris Pine提起Anton来我眼泪就想飞Anton已经去世三年半“one day behind us, one day we are closer to Antosha"他父母一定还是会每天去墓地看他的
第五集好友第七集Rachel绝了看到最后一集crushed by the effort she makes to understand all of these, and we live in despair, he thought ppl could die of loneliness, but we can also die of hope. a bit optimistim in the cube despite everything we know. 就让这大雨全都落下最后她说我想要写一本书