其实伍迪艾伦在影像上一直挺有探索精神的所以我们看到他多年来一直热衷于收集各种大师御用摄影师近几年他在数字摄影上也做了不少摸索和尝试上次也是跟斯托拉罗合作的《修女2》至少在画面效果上是可圈可点的但这一回是咋个情况这打光这饱和度way too much难道是要有意模仿舞台灯光的效果来配合调度和表演的舞台风格话说这应该算是他话剧感最强的片子了另外纵观伍迪艾伦的几十部片子真正可憎大于可悲、真正惹人厌恶的角色并不多 肥温饰演的金妮算是一个而且她在戏外急于跟伍迪艾伦划清界限的举动也挺那个的
story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea with the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.