Fuck me. I even can't believe that I watch these two series in one day. As the story told useveryone can get what he wants in New York and everyone can be the person they want to be. Literally “want to be”. Maybe we should call this the charming nature of capital. This show is goddamn incredibly fascinating. Come and see it, your dumb asshole.
B / 用时空错位的方式将潜藏着的恐怖现实和盘托出从而撕开了光洁的当代社会空间表层抵达了某种真实的本质同样值得称赞的是将强戏剧性剧本处理得波澜不惊行云流水从而以一种当代的冷峻气息将浪漫主义的悲悯包裹了起来然而这两大优势的内在冲突依然没有解决后者还是愈发盖过了前者并阻碍着前者往深处挖掘写的超细的第一次整个过程即便琐碎而漫长的呢喃已在一定程度上做出了弥合