永远无法体会的是她当年究竟受了多少委屈才有了本片的开头画面 她不会轻易屈服因为她知道音乐的力量她知道该如何用音乐去反抗一切的不公因为她是Taylor Swift 最后喷泉前站立镜头不禁让人回想起雨中歌唱《小丹疼吗慢慢就不疼了》的那一瞬间也许Old Taylor一直都在她一直在现在这个Taylor的内心深处 时代在变不变的是她那满腔热情和我们所有人对她的爱❤️ We Stand With Taylor❤️❤️ We Love Taylor Swift FOREVER❤️❤️❤️
Great masterpiece, without any doubt. The music is awesome (the main theme and its variations are splendid), the characters realistic, complex and with dense psychology, the setting fabulous as paintings, and the philosophy of the movie depicts sincerely the human being drama.